Robin's Plantain looks a lot like an aster, but it blooms in spring through early summer. Its rays are whitish to light purple surrounding yellow centers.
Robin's Plantain makes a great ground cover for a sunny to partly shady area. After the flowers fade and the stems die back, the rosettes are a beautiful green for the rest of the season.
Butterflies and bees love this plant.
Robin's Plantain
1 Quart
We expect this plant to be ready by June
- Latin: Erigeron pulchellus
- Pollinator value: Medium
- Height: 1.5-2 feet high and wide
- Light: Full sun to dappled (best)
- Soil: Dry to medium
- Bloom: white/yellow April-June
- Foliage: Leafless stems
- Landscape: Gardens, meadows, borders, patios
- Resistance: Drought
- Native range here